Client: Penrith City Council

Project: Kingsway Sporting Complex and Blair Oval, Penrith NSW

Barnson’s Role: All aspects of project management for the design of the complex

Time frame: Five-month consultancy period during mid-2015

Penrith City Council is hoping to attract district and regional level athletics carnivals to the new sporting complex and facility. The facility will accommodate seven local sporting clubs including athletics, rugby league, rugby union, touch football, and soccer. 

Barnson was awarded the project management and design consultancy for the Kingsway Sporting Complex and Blair Oval All-Weather Athletics Facility ahead of competing tenderers from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra. Penrith City Council and Barnson worked together over a five-month consultancy period. Barnson was be engaged in the project management and design for the $14 million development.

The design of the sporting complex and all-weather athletics facility includes five sporting ovals, an all-purpose athletics track, 500 car park spaces, clubhouse and storage facilities, upgraded infrastructure, and a pedestrian footbridge.

The project included all our in-house disciplines; from our Building Designers, Town Planners, Civil, Structural and Geotechnical Engineers to our Environmental Scientists, Surveyors and Geospatial Analysts.

In the past, Barnson has been involved in the several athletics centres and stadiums. The grandstand extension at the C.ex Coffs International Stadium at Coffs Harbour, which can now seat 2000 people. It has attracted national events in all codes of football, and hosted the 2015 Touch Football World Cup. Barnson has also recently been involved in the Barden Park Regional Centre of Excellence for Athletics in Dubbo.